September 9, 2008

Why We Don't Have To Pay Increased Prices At The Gas Pump : 3 Ways To Avoid It

Yes, It's true. You DON'T have to keep paying the increased prices at the gas pump. I got a little excited a few weeks ago when the price of gas seemed to be dropping every day, but my excitement didn't last. It kind of bottomed out and seems to be going back up. Are the oil companies just playing with our emotions? One thing that I'm sure of is that they are enjoying their profits right about now.

Like I said earlier, you don't have to pay increased prices at the gas pump if you know what I know...What the oil companies don't want you to find out.

You could stick to these 3 Ways to Avoid Paying Increased Prices at the Gas Pump: 1.Walk 2. Ride a Bike 3. Stay Home Forever

But who wants to do those? Not me. Click Here to check this out for a REAL way to save money at the gas pump.

September 2, 2008

The Global Warming Debate: What Do You Believe?

You probably already know that global warming is an issue that is discussed all over the world. No matter where you look, you will always find environmentalists who want you and others to join in the fight against global warming. On the other hand, you also find those who encourage you to ignore global warming, as it not a serious issue, if it even exists at all. So, who should you believe?

Some people think that those that oppose it may have ulterior motives. In Al Gore`s documentary on global warming, titled An Inconvenient Truth, he highlighted and showed documentation of the actions taken by many politicians and those with stocks in energy companies who opposed global warming. In some instances, these individuals knowingly disregarded scientific evidence and sugarcoated global warming, so that it didn`t seem like an important issue at the time.

Some people believe that the changes we are seeing would occur anyways, but they are concerned with taking action anyway. One of the biggest ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to reduce pollution in the air. Many political figures and other environmentalists want homeowners and business owners to use less energy and switch to environmental friendly electricity, like wind or solar powered electricity. Those who oppose global warming feel that this could have a negative impact on businesses who oppose or cannot afford these changes. If this is the case, many claim that the harm caused to the economy would be much worse than what global warming would or could do.

One way people can help the environment is to convert their automobile engines to run on water. Yes, it is a possible solution now. I have done some research and have discovered that I can convert my engine for the cost of a tank of gas.

Although every American is able to have their own views and beliefs, the debate surrounding global warming does have a number of consequences. Perhaps, the greatest consequence is confusion, as many Americans do not know who they should believe. I suggest that you do your own research and decide for yourself, and along the way you may pick up some tips that can help our planet and save you money.

August 28, 2008

How To Convert Your Car To Run On Water: Is This True?

Ok. If you are like the many Americans wondering how they are going to afford their next tank of gas, you may think twice when you see the headline "How To Convert Your Car To Run On Water: Is This True?". If there is something really out there that can save me tons of money and it doesn't cost that much money, then I definitely want to find out more about it.

Well, one day I was one of those people. I read an article in my local newspaper about a man that was running his 1998 Cadillac on part water and part gas. It was saving him money, of course. I thought, man, could I change my car to do the same thing? Days went by and I kind of let the thought pass from my mind until lately.

Recently when I have been surfing the web, I have come across headlines like "How To Convert Your Car To Run On Water: Is This True?". I have to admit that this looks like an amazing opportunity. It actually doesn't look complicating. I think my husband, who does my oil changes and brake jobs, can do it in a snap. The cost for making the conversions is going to be about the price of one tank of gas. If you or your spouse is not mechanically inclined, then you can still obtain the instructions and pass them on to your mechanic.

Well, I've done my research and have decided that I will convert my car to run on water! But don't take my word for it. Check out the link below. It contains videos and information to help you make an educated decision. Drop me a post when you decide your answer to "How To Convert Your Car To Run On Water: Is This True?" and let me know how much money you are saving on gas. I plan to update my blog later with my savings.

August 24, 2008

What is Global Warming?

I'm sure that all of you out there have heard of global warming before. You probably hear the terms Global Warming every time you watch the news. Even if you have heard about it, you may not really know exactly what it means. I admit that it can get a little confusing. Well, hopefully I can clear up some things for you and help you understand.

Global warming is defined as the process that results in the earth`s temperature rising. This rise in temperature is thought to be caused by an increase in greenhouse gases, which are raising the earth`s temperatures to levels that concern many scientists.

So, you're probably thinking, "So what? I don't mind it being a little hotter." Well, unfortunately, it's not that simple. A little increase could actually do a lot of damage over time. Some scientists fear that these temperature increases will lead to the melting of large ice masses. In turn, these melting masses will result in a sea level rise that could result in flooding all around the world. Remember New Orleans? We definitely don't want a repeat of that!

We are not really seeing the effects, but our children will be able to see the effects like warming temperatures, varying weather conditions, and stronger storms. It could also have an effect on sea and wildlife.

I think that we all owe it to our children to educate ourselves about global warming and see what we can do to help. Even if Global Warming turns out to be just a hoax, it still wouldn't hurt our environment to keep your heat at a moderate level, use energy efficient light bulbs, limit car use, or purchase a hybrid or other energy efficient vehicle.

With the increase in current gas prices it actually would help your pocketbook too to explore the option of a hydrogen boosted gas engine. You might have heard of it as a water-burning engine. I recently researched the process, and it is possible for anybody to convert their current car to a water-burning engine!

Click Here for More Details
